Latest short haircuts
Fashion nowadays is not for women only, men have also started taking care of their fashion sense very effectively. Fashion revolves around the clothes you are wearing and definitely your hairstyle. Hairstyles for men have become one of the most important things. Here are some Best Cool Hair Style For Indian Boys & Men.
Last decade has brought a revolution in men hairstyles. Short Haircuts and Short Hairstyles have gained popularity again over the last two years. As hairstyles for Long Hair requires a lot of care and while working or studying we don’t have that much of time to take care of our hairs to make them look attractive.
New hairstyles every time you step outside looks like a cool idea. So today we have come up with some of the most attractive hairstyles for short hair, which you can adopt and look attractive.
Favorite 15 Best Hairstyles For Boys
Hair style is the only thing for which nowadays boys are getting crazy. College going youngsters want to look fabulous with his own unique hairstyle. Here we are also come up with some our’s favorite ideas to help them. Below check them out :
- Spikes
Spikes has been one of the most liked Short Hairstyles for men. Most Attractive hairstyles now. While making spikes, hairs are pulled towards the center from the center and the sides. The hairs are kept short and front hairs are made to stand. This is one of the easiest hairstyles to do, you can even do them at home.
8. Military Cut Hairstyle
The simplest haircut of the lifetime. The very neat kind of a haircut which does not have any kind of extra style statement in it. Mostly people with very good physique especially army men are advised to keep such haircuts.
9. Pompadour Comb Over
Guys with clean shaved face are more apt to keep this type of a haircut. Sides are cut short, very short, and hairs are on the top are left as it is so as to comb them. People with the broad face are not advised to keep hairstyles which have short hairs on the sides.
10. Shaved Haircut With Beard
Men with beards are hard to ignore. Beard nowadays is a sign of being a man and not a boy. Different hairstyles for different beard styles are in trend. But when you have ample of Beard, you should definitely try shaved haircut in which, sides are low and hairs on the top match the beard. This definitely would attract many.

11. Side Parted Haircuts For Men
This type of haircut suits well with a beard. Men with beard look sexy and attractive if they have parted hairs from the sides. Actors and celebrities are more likely to have this kind of a haircut these days.
12. Back Swept Quiff
The short hairstyle which can be matched with some beard on the face. Advised for people who are marrying or those young gentlemen going for a marriage function. The haircut is more apt for people wearing the suit with a bow.
13. Cool Summer Hairstyle For Men
This is one of the best hairstyles for short hairs in summer when the sun is burning over the head and hot air blows on the face. The air blows your hair in such a style that you look so attractive with your hairs blowing towards the back. Some beard on the face works effectively.
14. Formal Short Haircut
This is a formal haircut usually taken by men who are work. People who are on daily meetings with clients and Men who are managers usually keep this kind of a Formal Haircuts.
15. Side Swept Comb Over Hairstyle
Men with straight hairs are more likely to have this kind of a hairstyle. Combed insides and can also be set with fingers rolled, Straight hairs are a bliss and this hairstyle is a boon, you just can’t imagine how good you look when you walk with this hairstyle.