Best looking short haircuts
Is a pony tail formal enough for a job interview? It can be, if you choose a polished look. Opt for sleek styling, using an anti-frizz product or styling cream to tame fly aways. For an elegant touch, pull a piece of hair from the bottom of your pony tail and wrap it around to conceal your hair tie, securing it with a bobby pin.
Try Loose Curls Hero Images / Getty ImagesIf you want a professional, polished look that doesn't seem too stuffy, try out a style with easy, breezy loose curls.
Pin One Side Back Hero Images / Getty ImagesDuring your interview, you certainly don't want to be worrying about pushing your hair out of your face. A style with one side pulled back can be a happy medium between wearing your hair down and styling it in a full updo. Even better, this is an easy look to style: just twist or brain one side back, and secure it behind your ear with a bobby pin.
Style It Long and Sleek People Images / Getty ImagesIf you have long hair and want to wear it down during your interview, that's okay. Just make sure you keep it pulled away from your face, and avoid touching or playing with it during the meeting. A sleek, straight look kept out of the way and behind your shoulders is a good solution. After all, you want the focus to be on you, not your hair.
Side Bun It JGI/Tom Grill / Getty ImagesA side bun is a fun but tasteful way to add some spunk to your hairstyle. Whether you wear the bun wavy or braided, or straight and sleek, try a low side bun, situated just at the nape of your neck.
Keep it Short (and Stylish) Klaus Vedfelt / Getty ImagesGone are the days when the workplace called for a prim and proper look. In the urban office, feel free to experiment with shorter styles, like the one above, with shorter sides and a bit longer top. Not only is a short hair cut a great solution to minimize maintenance and speed up your morning routine, but it also lends a unique, edgy appeal to your look.
Try Natural Waves Morsa Images / Getty ImagesIf you have short hair and want to dress it up a bit, consider natural waves. This will add some body and style to your hair, without looking too over-the-top or over-done.
Rock Trendy Braids Stephen Simpson / Getty ImagesDon't feel limited to a basic, straight-down-your-back braid. From a side braid, a braid of braids, to a french or a fishtail braid, there are a lot of options! You can certainly have some fun, just remember to keep it more low-key than all-out.
Keep it Natural JohnnyGreig / Getty ImagesAre you tired of straightening your hair every day? Or, maybe a sleek bob feels too stuffy for you. Whatever your reasoning, it's acceptable to adopt a more natural look, like the one above. Your hair doesn't have to be perfectly straight or styled every day, just professional. What matters most, after all, is that you feel confident and comfortable in the workplace.
Loosen Up Ezra Bailey / Getty ImagesLoose waves are a beautiful way to add life to medium or long hair. Even just curling the ends and leaving the top straight can be a nice way to give your hair a more styled, polished appearance.
Choppy Bob Morsa Images / Getty ImagesWant to add some life to your straight, short hair? Chop it up, with spunky layers, and texture.
Wear It High (Class) People Images / Getty ImagesThe high bun is the perfect choice to get your hair up and out of the way, without compromising style. First, sweep your hair high on your head, leaving one piece free, and twist into a bun. Then, secure with a hair tie. To conceal the elastic, wrap the free piece around it and pin the piece of hair underneath the bun with a bobby pin.
Expert tip: Avoid looking silly by placing it at the very top of your skull; rather, find the top and center, and then move a few inches down, so your bun sits half-way in between the top of your hairline and your eyebrows.
Try a Pretty Pixie Jacob Wackerhausen / Getty ImagesThe pixie cut is another great short cut, a universal classic for women of all ages and professions.
Shake Up Your Ponytail Richard Drury / Getty ImagesBored with the basic ponytail? Use your preferred method of curling to add medium-width curls to your hair, and then finish the look with a pretty side pony. Leave a few tendrils loose for a more relaxed look, but be sure they won't distract you or hang in your face during the interview.